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· 2 min read

Spotify Wrapped is cool, but I wanted to gain a more in-depth understanding of my music listening habits. Unfortunately, Spotify's API doesn't provide full access to your listening history. The next best option is to fetch the latest 50 tracks you've listened to. With this limitation in mind, I set out to create a project that could start recording all the songs I listened to and perform data analysis on them.

· 4 min read

Competition Page

"how do you classify a species in a new region that you may not have seen in previous training data?".

In essence this challenge asks you to identify different species of animals from trail cam images.

· 5 min read

I look into a paper that introduces a fresh perspective on the role of advanced data augmentation methods in semi-supervised learning, showcasing remarkable results across various language and vision tasks. I show the key findings and dive into code examples that highlight the power of these techniques

[Paper] [Blog Post]